Five Day Gaming Charity Marathon!
Day 1
1. Evildeadfan102 Streamed & beat Jak & Daxter the Precursor Legacy
2. Jessicayskull streamed & beat Sly Raccoon (Evildeadfan102 did 2 levels)
3. Longhairgaming Streamed Ratchet & Clank 1 (Was Later Finished at 5DayGamers2)
4. Pete6777 streamed Rayman 1 Advance
5. ECWCWWE streamed the second half of Ratchet & Clank 1 and beat the game
6. ECWCWWE streamed Vexx
Day 2
7. Shyguygamer87 (Known As LazlowXP Back here) streamed Jak 2
8. Shyguygamer87 (Known As LazlowXP Back here) streamed Sly 2
9. ECWCWWE streamed Sly 3
Day 3
10. Evildeadfan102 Streamed Jak 3
11. Superconge began streaming Ratchet & Clank 2
12. Evildeadfan102 streamed more Jak 3 (Because Superconge needed a break)
13. Superconge streamed more Ratchet & Clank 2
14. Shyguygamer87 (Known As LazlowXP Back here) streamed and finished Sly 2
15. Evildeadfan102 streamed more Jak 3
16. ECWCWWE streamed and finished Sly 3
17. ECWCWWE streamed and beat Ratchet & Clank 2 Challenge mode
18. ECWCWWE streamed Katamari
Day 4
19. Evildeadfan102 streamed and beat Ratchet & Clank 3 (Jessicayskull also helped out)
20. Longhairgaming streamed Bully
21. Evildeadfan102 streamed Ratchet Gladiator (Deadlocked)
22. Alex Cox streamed Kingdom Hearts
23. Wiredspartan streamed Monster Hunter 3
Day 5
24. Daxtermaster2 streamed Uncharted 3
25. Evildeadfan102 streamed & finished Ratchet Gladiator (Deadlocked)
26. Evildeadfan102 streamed more Jak 3
27. Shyguygamer87 streamed Crash Wrath Of Cortex
28. Evildeadfan102 & Jessicayskull Streamed Ratchet & Clank All 4 One (NS & Rc3000 Joined them)
29. Longhairgaming Streamed more Bully
30. Evildeadfan102 ended the event by streaming NHL HItz Pro, more Jak 3 and recapped the previous events
Interesting Facts about - Five day Gaming Charity Marathon
1. This was the first event that originally was called Five Day Gaming Charity Marathon, later was changed to 5daygamers as it was a mouth full to say.
2. The charity for this event was Cancer Research, we raised £162 for this event.
3. Nsoliveira made his first appearance on this event, he was just randomly added to the call, from here on he became a massive part of 5daygamers until he left after 5DayGamers5.
4. The original event was streamed on Ustream, but due to the crazy lag was changed to twitch.
5. Daxtermaster2 was known for his chipmunk voice, this was the only event he did this on.
6. Interesting fact in general, this event came up because Evildeadfan102 watched All 4 One Cause and was inspired by them, later on one of the members of All4One Cause said that Evildeadfan102 had done a good job.
7. Jessicayskull was the only girl who did any sort of co commentary on this event, later other females would join the team but on this event she was alone.
8. Evildeadfan102 took part in 10 streams on this event, well 10 and a half as he streamed in the Sly Raccoon stream which makes him the winner with who streamed the most on this event, however ECWCWWE did have longer streams.
9. This event is known for ECWCWWE's cinnamon challenge which he did in the Sly 3 stream.
10. There was 31 different streams on this event.
11. Shyguygamer87 (Aka LazlowXP) attempted to face a boss over 40 times on Crash Wrath Of Cortex, he eventually did it but he raged alot.
12. Both Automatoncreature & White Orbison were fans of this event and would later join the team itself.
13. Evildeadfan102 stayed up all night on two different days for this event, day 1 and day 5 due to staying up all night on day 1 Evildeadfan102 couldn't stream Sly 2 so Shyguygamer87 streamed it instead.
14. This event didn't end the best, it ended with Evildeadfan102 showing recaps of the previous days to nobody.
15. There was a total of 10 streamers on this event and they were Evildeadfan102,Jessicayskull, Longhairgaming, Pete6777, ECWCWWE, Shyguygamer87 (Laxlow XP), Superconge, Alex Cox, Wired Spartan and Daxtermaster2.
16. The amount of games that were beat on this event was - 8 Games
5 thing's This event is known for!
1. Having a complicated name
2. ECWCWWE's Cinnamon challenge
3. Being the first event
4. Been the only event on UStream
5. Having a sad ending
1. Evildeadfan102
2. Jessicayskull
3. RC3000
4. Shyguygamer87 As LazlowXP
5. NSoliveria
6. Matthew Stagg
8. Keybearer4
9. Alex Cox
10. Superconge
11. WiredSpartan
12. Daxtermaster2
13. Shockfactor22
14. Longhairgaming
15. Saveain
16. Pete6777
17. Bucy The Squirrel
18. Hunter Wiles
19. Amounx
1. Daxtermaster2 with the Chipmunk voice (He did stream at 5DayGamers2 however)
Highest Donation of the event - £27 by Anonymous
Amount of donations - 18
Date the event took place - April 27th 2012 to May 1st 2012
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